FDP financial expert Schäffler: Federal government missed the connection with crypto currencies

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The FDP financial expert Schäffler accuses the German government of inactivity with regard to important questions about crypto currencies.

The FDP financial expert Schäffler criticized the federal government for inaction on crypto currencies in a post published on January 5 on its website .

As numerous small inquiries on the subject of Bitcoin Code cryptocurrencies from the FDP parliamentary group have shown, the federal government has not seen any need for action in the area of taxation for eight years.

Schäffler: The government always answers the same

The government has not changed its view over the years and „always answer the same“ with the statement that the Federal Ministry of Finance „is in coordination with the highest financial authorities of the states“. Despite this long-running voting process, the government had been unable to reach an agreement on this important issue for eight years.

This is a problem for investors in relation to rising prices for crypto currencies and the resulting “ever greater tax law issues”. Schäffler expresses a lack of understanding, as interest in cryptocurrencies is currently growing massively.

The federal government shows no interest in “ offering the citizens of Germany a secure legal framework for acquisition and taxation,“ said the FDP politician. Schäffler also focuses on technical and tax issues, some of which he lists:

“What is the order of consumption? What happens in the case of a hard fork (ie whoever bought Bitcoins suddenly also has Bitcoin Cash (new cryptocurrency) in their depot)? What happens if one cryptocurrency is exchanged for the other? “

The fact that the payment service provider PayPal in the USA already allows its customers to use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has not prompted either the federal government or BaFin to contact the company. This and the answers of the federal government to the small inquiries of his parliamentary group make it clear that the federal government is failing to “keep up with this key technology”.

FDP parliamentary group shows great interest

The FDP parliamentary group with Frank Schäffler regularly makes small inquiries about blockchain technology and crypto currencies in order to find out the positions and intentions of the federal government. As became known last November, for example, it does not expect a digital euro to be introduced as the digital central bank currency in the coming years .